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27 products
Goldanhänger Engel gehämmert Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel gehämmert
Gold pendant angel hammered
Regular price CHF 130.00
Goldanhänger Delfin Little Bijou Goldanhänger Delfin
Gold pendant dolphin
Regular price CHF 85.00
Goldanhänger Kleeblatt Little Bijou Goldanhänger Kleeblatt
Gold pendant clover leaf
Regular price CHF 90.00
Goldanhänger Engel Gravurplatte klein Little Bijou
Gold pendant angel engraving plate smooth small
Regular price CHF 65.00
Goldanhänger Engel Zirkonia Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel Zirkonia
Gold pendant angel zirconia
Regular price CHF 150.00 Sale price CHF 125.00
Gelb- und Weissgoldanhänger Engel Herz Little Bijou
Yellow and white gold pendant angel heart
Regular price CHF 90.00

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Goldanhänger Engel Herz Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel Herz
Gold pendant angel heart
Regular price CHF 65.00
Goldanhänger Engel Herz Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel Herz
Gold pendant angel heart
Regular price CHF 85.00
Anhänger Engel Gelb- & Weissgold Brillant Little Bijou Anhänger Engel Gelb- & Weissgold Brillant
Pendant angel yellow & white gold brilliant
Regular price CHF 115.00
Goldanhänger Engel Teilmatt Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel Teilmatt
Gold pendant angel partially matt
Regular price CHF 65.00
Goldanhänger Engel Zirkonia Little Bijou Goldanhänger Engel Zirkonia
Gold pendant angel zirconia
Regular price CHF 105.00
Goldanhänger Herz/Engel Diamant Little Bijou
Gold pendant heart/angel diamond
Regular price CHF 90.00
Goldanhänger Teddybär Little Bijou Goldanhänger Teddybär
Gold pendant teddy bear
Regular price CHF 45.00

Children's & baby jewelry

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With us you will find the right jewelry items for your baby, your daughter, your son, your goddaughter, your godson or even your grandchildren. There are no restrictions on expression and extravagance when it comes to children's or baby jewelry. The items are perfect for expressing taste and design. They are the best compliment for a radiant child.

Jewelry made of gold or silver

This is definitely a matter of taste. All of our items are made of 14k gold or 925 silver. So there are no allergic reactions to nickel like with cheap fashion jewelry. Baby jewelry is not a child's toy. Careful handling is required and parents are responsible for supervision.

Jewelry for many occasions

The jewelry should also be worn appropriately for the occasion. For extraordinary events such as a baptism, a birth, a wedding, a visit to a restaurant or a birthday, we offer a large selection to suit.

Jewelry as a fantastic gift idea

It's not for nothing that jewelry is the first choice when it comes to the perfect gift idea. Jewelry tailored specifically to babies makes girls' or boys' dreams come true. This jewelry particularly impresses with child-friendly designs, with the jewelry being available in the form of lucky charms, angels, flowers or animals, as well as in attractive shapes. Colored or glittering jewelry is also popular with little princesses and is often given as a gift for birth or christening. However, it is important that baby jewelry is suitable for everyday use so that playing and running around is not hindered by the jewelry. That's why parents often choose beautiful jewelry for babies, which is of course also available in the jewelry online shop.